Derma Seta Ultimate Full Body SPA Treatment in Pakistan - Lahore

Monday, 23 June 2014

Item details

City: Lahore, Punjab
Offer type: Sell
Price: Rs 2,000


Contact name Zeesol Store
Phone 03311070491

Item description

Derma Seta Ultimate Full Body SPA Treatment

It is a dream come true pain­less hair removal sys­tem that pro­vides you with all of the ben­e­fits of a spa visit, with­out expen­sive spa prices. Your hair removal kit comes with a body buffer­ing pad, a foot smoother so you can give your­self a pedi­cure and have baby smooth feet, It help to remove unwanted and embar­rass­ing facial hair, and we even include free addi­tional bat­ter­ies so you can con­tinue to enjoy your this prod­uct hair removal sys­tem with­out hav­ing to worry about the power run­ning out. To make this deal even bet­ter, and help you love your hair removal sys­tem even more, we’ll also throw in our Full Body Acces­sory Kit.

Includes 9 Attachments:

Derma Crys­tal Hair Removal Pad: The derma crys­tal Hair Removal pad con­tains the Derma Seta crys­tals that pain­lessly bump hair out of the fol­li­cle leav­ing your skin smooth and silky to the touch.

Foot Smoother: The Foot Smoother attach­ment for your Derma Seta works to help smooth out ugly and unat­trac­tive cal­luses on your feet to leave your feet look­ing like you spent a for­tune on an expen­sive pedicure.

Pumice Stone: The Derma Seta pumice stone is a great attach­ment to help give your feet a smooth and beau­ti­ful look.

Facial and Bikini Line Hair Removal: The Facial and Bikini Line hair removal attach­ments help to gen­tly and pain­lessly remove unwanted hair from your face and your bikini line with­out expen­sive, painful and embar­rass­ing trips to the spa or salon.

Deep Cleanser Brush: Our Deep Cleanser brush gen­tly and effec­tively helps to open pores and deep clean your face to keep your skin oking and feel­ing amazing.

Macro & Micro Mas­sage Mod­ules: Our mas­sag­ing heads and mas­sag­ing attach­ments help to turn your Derma Seta into your best friend. Not only do they help to smooth out your legs and hips, but they also help to leave you feel­ing calm, refreshed and relaxed like you had just had a nice long pro­fes­sional massage.

Body Buffer: Our Body Buffer attach­ment helps you fin­ish off your skin spa treat­ment and buffer your skin so that you walk away look­ing and feel­ing fresh, clean and vibrant.

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